MOMO Baby.

MOMO Baby.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Social Psychology : Social change

Social change (social change) is the change in social institutions in society that affect social systems, values, attitudes and behavior patterns of individuals and groups.Based on this understanding, the term social change because it covers a very broad meaning some aspects of human life such as economic, social, political, scientific, technological, legal and other social aspects. In addition to tangible changes in social change ideas, ideas, attitudes, and behavior as well as the works which may be a physical object that has been institutionalized in society. So if specified changes in society can be about values, norms, and social interaction and patterns of behavior, social organization, the structure of social institutions, social coating, power and authority as well as other aspects.

Difficult words : 
  • Attitudes : Sikap
  • Values : Nilai
  • Social System : Sistem sosial
  • Behavior patterns : Perilaku pola 
  • To tangible : Untuk nyata
  • Institutionalized : Melembagakan
  • Authority : Kewenangan

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