MOMO Baby.

MOMO Baby.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Educational Psychology : How to Stimulate Intelligent Child

This really news or the news is true that we as parents. Forming a smart child can easily say bother, it takes sacrifice and hard work of parents. Early child stimulation will greatly help the growth of the process, especially the process of learning later in school. Stimulation of anything that could form the smart kids? Socrates said that the success of someone affected by one percent intelligence and 99 percent hard work. When born, every child has a different intelligence, depending on genetic factors. But as he grows, nutritional and environmental factors will be more dominating than genetic factors. The key is stimulation or arousal

Difficult words :

  •  Stimulation : Stimulasi
  • Affected :  Terpengaruh
  • Depending : Tergantung
  • Nutritional : Nutrisi
  • Environmental factors : Faktor lingkungan
  • Dominating : Mendominasi

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