MOMO Baby.

MOMO Baby.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Clinical Psychology : Parents Short, Short Children Not Sure.

Some people believe that the parent's height affect their children's height. Parents are short, then the child must be short. It turns out this myth is not always true, because of high child any parent could be generated from short. A child must have a genetic factor which is derived from her parents. This factor is often used as a reason why a person of short stature often dodged 'are by nature'. True, one of the factors of short or tall a person is a genetic entity. But these factors actually can be defeated by a factor of phenotypes or environmental factors.

Difficult words :
  • Myth : Mitos
  • Generated : Menghasilkan
  • Dodged : Menghindar
  • Genetic entity : Entitas Genetik 
  • Defeated : Dikalahkan
  • Phenotypes : Fenotif
  • Environmental factors : Faktor lingkungan

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