MOMO Baby.

MOMO Baby.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Industrial Psycchology : Avoiding Hot Sun? Only Wear Blue and Red Shirt

What color makes the sun to avoid heat stroke. If you want to avoid the heat in the daytime, it's worth wearing a blue or red. According to researchers in Spain. Even today they are developing heat-resistant coat of color. For those who live in hot areas, the findings of experts in Spain could be good news. Clothing manufacturing industry in Spain was currently being developed and tried to apply the discovery to make clothes that are resistant to ultraviolet light. In his study, as quoted from the Health, researchers tried a few colors like red, blue, yellow and others. And apparently the result of red and blue colors absorb ultraviolet radiation at least. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) is one known cause of skin cancer. Sunlight is good for health, but not all good light. The researchers suggest to avoid the sun between the hours of 9 am to 3 pm to avoid the risk of skin cancer.

Difficult words :
  • To avoid : Untuk menghindari
  • Researchers : Peneliti
  • Developing heat-resistant : Mengembangkan tahan panas
  • Apparently : Tampaknya

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