MOMO Baby.

MOMO Baby.

Rabu, 29 September 2010


Figures Psychology and His Teory 

Thales ( 624-548 SM )He theorized that the soul as something supernatural. So, the soul does not exist, because according to him that is in nature is merely a natural phenomenon and all natural phenomena comes from water.

Anaximander ( 611-546 SM ), Believes that everything comes from aperion means infinite, formless, can not die, that is like the concept of God in our era. On that basis he argues that the soul exists.

Anaximenes ( 490-430 SM ), Believing that the soul is there, because everything comes from the air.

Empedokles ( 490-430 SM ), Stating that there are four basic elements of nature, namely earth, air, fire and water, while humans may be analogous to the same, namely bone, muscle, intestine (from soil), the functions of life (from air), the ratio (of fire) and body fluids ( of water).

Hipokrates ( 460-375 SM ), Assume that the human soul can be classified into four personality types based on the dominant body fluids, namely: (1) Type sanguine (cheerful), which is dominated by blood, (2) Type melancholic (depressed) by the black marrow, (3) Type kolerik (quickly react) by yellow marrow, and (4) Type flagmatis (slow) by mucus.

Sokrates ( 469-399 SM ), He introduced maeutics techniques, namely interviews for fishing out of one's thoughts.He believes that thoughts that reflect the existence of the soul behind the human body.

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