MOMO Baby.
![MOMO Baby.](
Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Rabu, 29 September 2010
Examples of Complex Sentences
- If You study hard, You can smart.
- I will come to party, if You invite me.
- If I have castle, I will dance in garden.
- If I have money, I will buy a book.
- Although She is fat, but She is smart.
Examples of Simple Sentence
- Santi Play Footbal
- I Look Flower.
- Andhika Study science
- Adi Eat Pizza
- Niqma Watch a movie
Examples pronounciation and phonetic
- Actual : (aekcueli)
- Adaptation : (edaepteisyen)
- Accumulate : (e'kyumeleit)
- According : (e'ko:ding)
- Account : (e'kaunt)
- Acculturate : (ekyulcureit)
- Acne : (aekni)
- acoustic : (e'kaustik)
- acquire : ( e'kwaie)
- acrobatic : (aekrebaetik)
- Bus : (bas)
- But : (bat)
- Butter : ('bate)
- Butterfly : (bateflai)
- Buy : (bai)
- Breakup : ( 'breik'ap)
- Breath : (breth)
- Bottle : ( botel)
- Bow : (bou)
- Box : (boks)
Figures Psychology and His Teory
Thales ( 624-548 SM ), He theorized that the soul as something supernatural. So, the soul does not exist, because according to him that is in nature is merely a natural phenomenon and all natural phenomena comes from water.
Anaximander ( 611-546 SM ), Believes that everything comes from aperion means infinite, formless, can not die, that is like the concept of God in our era. On that basis he argues that the soul exists.
Anaximenes ( 490-430 SM ), Believing that the soul is there, because everything comes from the air.
Empedokles ( 490-430 SM ), Stating that there are four basic elements of nature, namely earth, air, fire and water, while humans may be analogous to the same, namely bone, muscle, intestine (from soil), the functions of life (from air), the ratio (of fire) and body fluids ( of water).
Hipokrates ( 460-375 SM ), Assume that the human soul can be classified into four personality types based on the dominant body fluids, namely: (1) Type sanguine (cheerful), which is dominated by blood, (2) Type melancholic (depressed) by the black marrow, (3) Type kolerik (quickly react) by yellow marrow, and (4) Type flagmatis (slow) by mucus.
Sokrates ( 469-399 SM ), He introduced maeutics techniques, namely interviews for fishing out of one's thoughts.He believes that thoughts that reflect the existence of the soul behind the human body.
Selasa, 14 September 2010
Social Psychology : Social change
Social change (social change) is the change in social institutions in society that affect social systems, values, attitudes and behavior patterns of individuals and groups.Based on this understanding, the term social change because it covers a very broad meaning some aspects of human life such as economic, social, political, scientific, technological, legal and other social aspects. In addition to tangible changes in social change ideas, ideas, attitudes, and behavior as well as the works which may be a physical object that has been institutionalized in society. So if specified changes in society can be about values, norms, and social interaction and patterns of behavior, social organization, the structure of social institutions, social coating, power and authority as well as other aspects.
- Attitudes : Sikap
- Values : Nilai
- Social System : Sistem sosial
- Behavior patterns : Perilaku pola
- To tangible : Untuk nyata
- Institutionalized : Melembagakan
- Authority : Kewenangan
Educational Psychology : How to Stimulate Intelligent Child
This really news or the news is true that we as parents. Forming a smart child can easily say bother, it takes sacrifice and hard work of parents. Early child stimulation will greatly help the growth of the process, especially the process of learning later in school. Stimulation of anything that could form the smart kids? Socrates said that the success of someone affected by one percent intelligence and 99 percent hard work. When born, every child has a different intelligence, depending on genetic factors. But as he grows, nutritional and environmental factors will be more dominating than genetic factors. The key is stimulation or arousal
Difficult words :
- Stimulation : Stimulasi
- Affected : Terpengaruh
- Depending : Tergantung
- Nutritional : Nutrisi
- Environmental factors : Faktor lingkungan
- Dominating : Mendominasi
Industrial Psycchology : Avoiding Hot Sun? Only Wear Blue and Red Shirt
What color makes the sun to avoid heat stroke. If you want to avoid the heat in the daytime, it's worth wearing a blue or red. According to researchers in Spain. Even today they are developing heat-resistant coat of color. For those who live in hot areas, the findings of experts in Spain could be good news. Clothing manufacturing industry in Spain was currently being developed and tried to apply the discovery to make clothes that are resistant to ultraviolet light. In his study, as quoted from the Health, researchers tried a few colors like red, blue, yellow and others. And apparently the result of red and blue colors absorb ultraviolet radiation at least. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) is one known cause of skin cancer. Sunlight is good for health, but not all good light. The researchers suggest to avoid the sun between the hours of 9 am to 3 pm to avoid the risk of skin cancer.
Development Psychology : Grow Life Picture Book Art Children with
Parents have done a few ways to develop the mental side of his love of art to themselves, irrespective of these ways is right or wrong. But there's an easier way and simple picture book which is believed to increase children's feelings on the arts from an early age. With a view to presenting creative fairy tale more children and parents, the show tries to prove that anyone can become famous like Hans Christian Andersen, Danish writer most famous for his work on the fairy story, as long as they attempt to trace the life with their hearts.
Difficult words :
- Develop : Mengembangkan
- Irrespective : Terlepas
- Increase : Meningkatkan
- Presenting creative : Penyajian kreatif
- Attempt to trace : Berusaha menelusuri
Clinical Psychology : Parents Short, Short Children Not Sure.
Some people believe that the parent's height affect their children's height. Parents are short, then the child must be short. It turns out this myth is not always true, because of high child any parent could be generated from short. A child must have a genetic factor which is derived from her parents. This factor is often used as a reason why a person of short stature often dodged 'are by nature'. True, one of the factors of short or tall a person is a genetic entity. But these factors actually can be defeated by a factor of phenotypes or environmental factors.
Difficult words :
- Myth : Mitos
- Generated : Menghasilkan
- Dodged : Menghindar
- Genetic entity : Entitas Genetik
- Defeated : Dikalahkan
- Phenotypes : Fenotif
- Environmental factors : Faktor lingkungan
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